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If you're booking a Chemical Peel...

If you're booking a Chemical Peel...: FAQ

Before your Chemical Peel:

  • Avoid Retinoid products and high levels of AHA and BHA products for 7 days prior to treatment.

  • Do not shave area to be treated within 24 hours of treatment

  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 2 weeks prior to treatment

  • To reduce risk and complications it is recommended that you use AlumierMD home care products for 10-14 days prior to treatment

  • Chemical peels are not recommended if you are pregnant or breastfeeding

After you Chemical Peel:

  • Do not cleanse your skin on the evening of your peel

  • Do not pick or pull any flaking skin

  • Do not tan or use a tanning bed for at least 14 days after your treatment

  • Do not receive electrolysis, waxing, threading, or any form of hair removal for 7 days

  • Do not use facial scrubs or exfoliants for 14 days following your peel

  • Do not use Retinoids, AHA's or BHA's for 14 days after your peel

  • Do not have laser hair removal, photofacials, microdermabrasion, or chemical peels for 14 days post treatment

  • Do not go swimming, use hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, extensivly hot showers for 2 days

  • Do not apply ice water or ice to the treated area

  • Do not participate in aerobic activities for 2 days post peel


What to expect:

  • During the Chemical Peel you will feel some tingling and warmth of the area treated

  • You will have redness post peel that may last 1-12 hours

  • Avoid makeup for the remainder of the day as it is important for your skin to rest and restabilize overnight

  • You may experience some light flaking for 3-7 days

  • You may not necessarily "peel" as it may take a few treatments to reach the deeper layer of the skin that will cause you to "peel" but you will experience a light "exfoliation"


Don't Forget!

  • For best results and to reduce complications please ensure you use your "Post Procedure Kit" given to you by your nurse for post procedure care

  • Allow 7 days for full effects of your peel to be seen

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